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A digital adoption platform fit for you.

Our versatile pricing plans are designed for any organization to benefit from digital adoption.

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WalkMe Core

Digital adoption platform to help you reduce digital friction and drive successful adoption of applications and workflows.

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  • Analytics and reporting
  • Interactive in-app guidance
  • Unlimited user workflows, pre-built or bespoke
  • Omnichannel experiences
  • Admin security controls

Add-on Modules

Pick one, two, or all of the modules to add in-depth digital adoption capabilities.

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  • Enterprise Analytics
  • Customization &  Collaboration
  • Connected Workplace
  • Enterprise Security

Identify friction and analyze user journeys to optimize digital experiences.

  • Application usage analytics
  • Application discovery
  • License optimization
  • Workflow analytics
  • Guidance analytics
  • Form analytics
  • Data export
  • Custom reports

Easily create intuitive workflows.

  • Guidance creation
  • Content management
  • Workflow automation
  • Pre-built templates
  • Personalization and segmentation
    Internal inputs & IDP
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Branding and white labeling
  • Multi-language support

Change the way work gets done and drive users to success.

  • In-app guidance
  • Contextual tooltips and links
  • Onboarding tasks
  • On-demand resources
  • Notifications and surveys
  • ActionBot
  • Workstation employee hub (Desktop and mobile)
    • Custom resource and checklists
    • Enterprise search and Smart Widgets
    • ActionBot - Desktop
    • Desktop and mobile notifications
    • Public search API
Admin security controls

Accelerate digital adoption with absolute peace of mind.

  • Access management
    • Login
      Social login
    • Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
    • Configurable session time-out
  • Privacy settings
    • Roles and permissions
    • Activity logs recording
    • Censorship controls
    • API permissions
    • Proxy support
    • End user hashing
  • Data hosting and residency
    • Static files storage
    • Data residency selection (EU/US)

Everything in WalkMe Core, plus:


Identify friction and analyze user journeys to optimize digital experiences.

Enterprise Analytics
  • Application usage analytics
  • Application discovery
  • License optimization
  • Workflow analytics
    +Retroactive digital analytics
  • Guidance analytics
  • Form analytics
  • Data export
  • Custom reports

Easily create intuitive workflows.

Customization & Collaboration
  • Guidance creation
  • Content management
  • Workflow automation
  • Pre-built templates
  • Personalization and segmentation
    3rd party inputs
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Branding and white labeling
  • Multi-language support

Change the way work gets done and drive users to success.

Connected Workplace
  • In-app guidance
  • Contextual tooltips and links
  • Onboarding tasks
  • On-demand resources
  • Notifications and surveys
  • ActionBot
  • Workstation employee hub (Desktop and mobile)
  • Custom resource and checklists
  • Enterprise search and Smart Widgets
  • ActionBot - Desktop
  • Desktop and mobile notifications
  • Public search API
Admin security controls

Accelerate digital adoption with absolute peace of mind.

Enterprise Security Suite
  • Access management
  • Login
    Single-Sign-On (SSO)
  • Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Configurable session time-out
  • Privacy settings
  • Roles and permissions
  • Activity logs recording
  • Censorship controls
  • API permissions
    +SIEM integration
  • Proxy support
  • End user hashing
  • Data hosting and residency
  • Static files storage
    Choose your preferred cloud vendor from select options
  • Data residency selection (EU/US)
  • Data

    Identify friction and analyze user journeys to optimize digital experiences.

  • Everything in WalkMe Core, plus:
  • Application usage analytics
  • Application discovery
  • License optimization
  • Workflow analytics
  • +Retroactive digital analytics
  • Guidance analytics
  • Form analytics
  • Data export
  • Custom reports
  • Enterprise Analytics
  • Action

    Easily create intuitive workflows.

  • Everything in WalkMe Core, plus:
  • Guidance creation
  • Content management
  • Workflow automation
  • Pre-built templates
  • Personalization and segmentation
    Internal inputs & IDP
  • 3rd party inputs
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Branding and white labeling
  • Multi-language support
  • Customization & Collaboration
  • Experience

    Change the way work gets done and drive users to success.

  • Everything in WalkMe Core, plus:
  • In-app guidance
  • Contextual tooltips and links
  • Onboarding tasks
  • On-demand resources
  • Notifications and surveys
  • ActionBot
  • Workstation employee hub (Desktop and mobile)
  • Custom resource and checklists
  • Enterprise search and Smart Widgets
  • ActionBot - Desktop
  • Desktop and mobile notifications
  • Public search API
  • Connected Workplace
  • Admin security controls

    Accelerate digital adoption with absolute peace of mind.

  • Everything in WalkMe Core, plus:
  • Access management
  • Login
    Social login
  • Single-Sign-On (SSO)
  • Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Configurable session time-out
  • Privacy settings
  • Roles and permissions
  • Custom
  • Activity logs recording
  • Censorship controls
  • Advanced
  • API permissions
  • +SIEM integration
  • Proxy support
  • End user hashing
  • Data hosting and residency
  • Static files storage
  • Choose your preferred cloud vendor from select options
  • Data residency selection (EU/US)
  • Enterprise Security Suite

WalkMe Essentials

Pre-built experiences for your most critical workflows.

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Fixed price. Fixed scope. Ready to roll out in 4 weeks.

Eliminate the friction from your most mission-critical sales and HR business processes:
  • Up to two pre-built sales and HR workflows
  • Deployed for one of the following apps: Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Workday, or SAP SuccessFactors
  • Professional services to get you up and running
  • Deployed in 4 weeks for fast time-to-value

WalkMe Digital Adoption Platform

Deliver frictionless product experiences for customer facing applications and websites.

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  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • Interactive in-app guides, tooltips, and notifications
  • Self-serve content creation engine
  • Smart audience targeting
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Personalized onboarding and product tours
  • Customer sentiment (NPS, surveys)
  • Multi-language support
  • Branding and white labeling

Identify friction and analyze user journeys to optimize digital experiences.

  • User journey analytics
    See how users interact with applications and web properties: identify friction and fix the issues blocking them from completing tasks efficiently.
  • Guidance analytics
    Understand how users engage with WalkMe’s interactive on-screen guidance.
  • Custom reports
    Customize reports to draw deeper and valuable insights on the user experience.
  • Session stream
    View and analyze the exact sequence of user actions and events in a single session.
  • Session playback
    Capture, analyze, and play back entire user sessions (Available for US data centers).

Easily create intuitive workflows.

  • Guidance creation
    Design personalized user journeys using a self-service editor.
  • User journey automation
    Automate repetitive and complex processes.
  • Content management
    Automate content testing and maintenance in real-time.
  • Personalization and segmentation
    Deliver targeted WalkMe content to specific users and groups.
  • Real-time collaboration
    Collect, share, and manage feedback on your WalkMe implementation during the design phase.
  • Branding and white labeling
    Customize the appearance and presentation of your WalkMe content or rebrand it as your own.
  • Multi-language support
    Translate all your WalkMe content into any language.

Change the way work gets done and drive users to success.

  • In-app guidance
    Deliver step-by-step on-screen real time guidance at the moment of need so that your end users can complete any process successfully and self-sufficiently.
  • Contextual tooltips and links
    Help users complete any process successfully with visual cues and strategically placed content.
  • User onboarding
    Provide users with an engaging task list to complete as part of their onboarding journey.
  • Notiffications and surveys
    Deliver key information, gather feedback, and drive customers to action with pop-up notifications and surveys.
  • ActionBot
    Leverage a natural language chatbot that allows users to perform entire tasks from a central interface.
Admin security controls

Accelerate digital adoption with absolute peace of mind.

  • Access management
  • Single-Sign-On Login (SSO)
  • Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Configurable session time-out
  • Privacy settings
  • Custom roles and permissions
  • Activity logs recording
  • Advanced censorship controls
  • API permissions , incl. SIEM integration
  • Proxy support
  • End user hashing
  • Data hosting and residency
  • Static files storage
  • Data residency selection (EU/US)

Great companies use WalkMe.

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WalkMe delivers 494% ROI.

With WalkMe you can understand how your employees are using software and identify friction across workflows. Build digital experiences that drive adoption of applications and workflows and see 494% return.

Ready to go frictionless?

Get started with digital adoption today.

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