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Best Customer Experience Finalists 2023


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1. What business problem(s) did your organization / project face, and why did you choose a digital adoption strategy to help you solve it?

Tangoe offers customers (both external and internal) a variety of product training and documentation resources on our intranet, WalkMe in product, and the Tangoe Learn website. Unfortunately, users sometimes do not know how to access these valuable, empowering resources.

My team chose a digital adoption strategy because in our years of working with WalkMe, we’ve come to trust its features like ShoutOuts, Smart Walk-Thrus, Resources, and Shuttles to provide our users the gentle nudge in the direction they need, to empower them to use our Tangoe One SaaS platform.

2. How did you use WalkMe, in conjunction with other strategies and technologies, to address your challenges?

  • The Tangoe One platform consists of several specialized tools including Telecom, Mobile, Rivermine, and Cloud. In each, clicking the ? icon displays the WalkMe widget, which provides users with not only our library of purpose-built Smart Walk-Thrus but also connects them via shuttle to:
  • Online help (reference guides), which is hosted on Amazon Web Services
  • E-learning course modules
  • Release highlights

Our approach makes the WalkMe Widget the gateway to a variety of reference and learning resources. All WalkMe content is tagged with keywords in WalkMe Editor so it can be easily located by users; this prevents overcrowding the categories in the Widget. In addition, we apply the “Shown only in search” setting in the Menu organizer so that shuttles to our e-learning modules can only be located through keyword search. For example, because we include the word “video” in all shuttle names for e-learning modules, searching for “video” gives users one-click access to every Tangoe Learn course module on the Tangoe Learn site.

Finally, with each Tangoe One software release, we publish a ShoutOut (on screen pop-up) with action buttons for either viewing a tour-style Smart Walk-Thru of new features, or opening the Release Highlights PDF via shuttle. The release ShoutOuts automatically play once for each user; the shuttles and Smart Walk-Thrus associated with release ShoutOuts are published in our Welcome & Getting Started category in the WalkMe Widget for use any time.

3. How does your digital adoption strategy, especially with regard to WalkMe, impact or benefit your end-users (customers and/or employees), your team, and leadership? RM Front End empowers RMs to deliver excellence in Wealth Management: To perform daily activities more efficiently and to deliver a differentiated client experience. WalkMe aids our end-users by ensuring:

By integrating our online help, Tangoe Learn training, and WalkMe content within the WalkMe Widget, users both internal and external have an intuitive way to access a wide variety of product knowledge without leaving Tangoe One.

This access empowers users (both customer and employee) to find the help they need, and in the case of WalkMe content, learn while doing their work. Talent and development professionals understand that active learning like that provided by WalkMe is more effective than passive learning (such as simply viewing a demonstration). When a customer can easily find the information they need, they are less likely to submit a product support ticket, resulting in an overall better customer experience and enabling our Service Excellence personnel to focus more on complex tasks and innovations rather than responding to routine help requests. In addition, when an employee can easily find the information needed, they can help support their customer when questions arise.

4. How has your digital adoption strategy, especially with regard to WalkMe, helped your organization better achieve its mission, goals, or values?

Employing WalkMe has contributed to improved customer retention; 2023’s second-quarter data reflects an 82% customer retention rate. Our digital adoption strategy is one of several factors that have improved the overall Tangoe One platform user experience by:

  • Connecting users to a variety of product learning resources, meeting users where they are and in the mode they prefer.
  • Simplifying how users find help. Combining online help, WalkMe content, and Tangoe Learn content in the WalkMe Widget, a simple keyword search brings the most relevant help content to our users. Looking at the icons in WalkMe (for example, the paper airplane representing a shuttle), users can choose the kind and level of adoption that best fits their needs.
  • The “What’s new in X” release Smart Walk-Thrus that communicate the latest new features and enhancements available in the Tangoe One platform. These enhancements are designed to help customers work smarter, not harder.

5. What about your implementation or success makes you most proud? Why?

Customers love being able to easily access help content from within the product. This enables them to learn the tasks they need to accomplish their work in Tangoe One. Making our customers successful makes us proud. Additionally, we take pride in knowing that customers are engaging with our WalkMe content and as a result, using new features and enhancements to our product. The WalkMe Insights reports paint a clear picture of the WalkMe content and parts of our software they are using.

6. Please share any additional information about your role in the project, your results, and/or your vision for the future that supports your submission.

At Tangoe, my team’s role is both to (1) enable both internal and external people to use the Tangoe One platform and (2) communicate updates and enhancements about the platform to users. We enjoy the WalkMe release webinars so that we ourselves can learn how to use WalkMe better to simplify our jobs and our customer experience. As such, we envision a future where AI tools such as ActionBot can save us time in creating content and engaging users. Without a doubt, adding more Smart Walk-Thrus on feature functionality across the Tangoe One platform will give our customers more options for how they choose to learn Tangoe One.

7. Company Blurb

Tangoe is the leading technology expense and asset management solution. Tangoe integrates with hundreds of providers globally to deliver the insights needed by enterprises. Fueled by an innovative automation framework and unified customer experience, we optimize spend and resources across telecom, mobile, cloud, and IoT. Tangoe empowers businesses to optimize efficiencies, cut costs, raise employee satisfaction, and increase revenue.
