What is charismatic leadership? Traits & best practices

WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
Updated September 23, 2024

Have you ever met someone who naturally grabs everyone’s attention and makes people eager to listen and follow? That’s charismatic leadership. It is a style where leaders use their charisma and charm to motivate and inspire others to reach change management goals

This approach helps bring out the best in team members. It builds their trust, belief, and confidence in the leader. For leaders, it makes it easier to motivate others to achieve set objectives.

Every leader has a unique style, but learning about charismatic leadership can help anyone improve their leadership skills. In this article, we will explore charismatic leadership and its key traits. We will also cover the best practices for using this style and its benefits and challenges.

What is charismatic leadership?

Charismatic leadership uses communication, storytelling, empathy, and persuasion to inspire people. These leaders connect emotionally with their followers and help them stay motivated, even in tough times. This style is effective in companies that support social causes, as it keeps teams positive and focused.

It is similar to transformational leadership. Both involve leaders driven by a vision for a better future. Charismatic leadership is especially valuable for global teams that face challenges due to distance. It builds trust, boosts morale, and improves communication, helping remote employees feel more connected.

Charismatic leaders often achieve more because they share a clear vision and purpose. The theory of charismatic leadership comes from Max Weber’s 1922 study. He found that people follow leaders they see as good and just. For Weber, charisma was shaped by inner qualities, social context, and relationships. Later, he expanded on how these leaders build strong emotional bonds but can lose authority without support.

Robert J. House expanded on Weber’s ideas in his 1976 paper. He focused on the psychology of charisma. House argued that charismatic leaders attract followers through vision, determination, and self-confidence. People follow them out of inspiration, not fear.

How is charismatic leadership different from other leadership styles?

All leadership styles depend on a leader’s ability to inspire employees and boost productivity. Charismatic leaders take this further. They have a unique charm and can connect with people on many levels. This helps them drive company goals while motivating their team.

Charismatic leaders differ from autocratic leaders, who give commands and expect strict obedience. Instead, they appeal to employees rather than simply giving orders. Like visionary leaders, charismatic leaders have a clear vision. However, they often work within more traditional environments and use a flexible approach.

Democratic leadership is more rational and goal-focused. Charismatic leaders connect with their team’s feelings and are open to change based on them. Both transformational and charismatic leaders use their personalities to influence others. Transformational leaders stay strong in adversity, while charismatic leaders focus on emotions.

What are the main traits of charismatic leaders?

What are the main traits of charismatic leaders?

The essential traits of charismatic leaders are:


Empathy is key in charismatic leadership.

When leaders understand their team’s feelings, concerns, and passions, they build a strong sense of teamwork. This helps everyone work together toward success. Leaders who show empathy can also identify problems and find solutions.


Every charismatic leader is confident. They know how to influence and persuade a large audience. They understand themselves well and don’t try to be someone else. 

They are original and comfortable with who they are. A charismatic leader should also be able to share this confidence with their team. They can do this through mentoring employees who show potential. 


Another characteristic is being skilled at communication. These types of individuals speak with confidence, respect, and clarity. They also listen well, which helps them share their vision and inspire the team to achieve it.


These leaders do not believe in staying distant. They want to be involved in their teams’ daily work and understand how their employees are doing.

A charismatic leader is always present. Even if they work remotely, they find creative ways to stay connected. For instance, they could set up regular meetings with those they manage to offer support.


Charismatic leaders show humility. They value each employee and take the time to listen to their concerns. They help employees see their value. They show how each person’s work supports the company’s goals. This connection inspires great loyalty.


Charismatic leaders have strong personalities but also show maturity and good character. They avoid making broad statements and instead use their knowledge and experience to help the organization grow. 

They welcome and respect everyone, including people of all cultures, ethnicities, races, sexualities, and genders. A mature leader is also not afraid to admit mistakes. They don’t take things at face value. They learn from their mistakes and the examples of others.

What are the best practices to apply charismatic leadership?

What are the best practices to apply charismatic leadership?

The key best practices for applying charismatic leadership are:

Use storytelling to change perspectives

Charismatic leaders improve by telling great stories. They don’t just focus on numbers and data. Storytelling is a powerful way to connect with others. It helps you share common values, beliefs, and experiences.

To be a strong storyteller, think about the main message you want to share and consider how your audience will connect with it. Use vivid language to help people picture your words. Pay attention to your body language, tone of voice, and energy. Include motivational quotes or stories about others. These will keep your audience engaged.

Storytelling also allows you to be more open. It helps you show your true self. This can make your employees trust and relate to you more.

Improve your active listening skills

As a charismatic leader, it’s easy to tune out during conversations. This can harm your leadership and team dynamics. To improve, work on your active listening skills.

Active listening means more than just hearing words. It involves fully focusing on the speaker, showing empathy, and responding well. Regular meetings can help with this. Schedule frequent check-ins to discuss projects, set goals, and address deadlines or concerns. These meetings build strong relationships and trust.

It also reduces miscommunication. Understand the speaker’s message and perspective. Encourage open communication from the start. This way, team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns, even with a passionate leader.

Be confident in what you deliver

Confidence is crucial for good charismatic leadership. Without it, inspiring others is tough. If you lack confidence, you may not trust yourself or your decisions.

Charisma in leadership depends on confidence. To be a more charismatic leader, you must build confidence and trust in your skills. Start by focusing on your strengths. Improve what you naturally excel at. This will make it easier to lead and influence others.

Effective leaders are often strong speakers. You can develop this skill through practice. Use simple language and express your ideas clearly. Overcome imposter syndrome—the feeling that your success is not deserved. Recognize that your achievements are due to your efforts.

Reframe the current way of thinking

A key trait of charismatic leaders is turning failure into a positive experience. They see failures as chances to learn and grow. This approach makes the work environment feel safer for employees, encouraging them to take risks without fear of judgment.

Charismatic leaders avoid a fixed mindset and embrace a growth mindset. This mindset believes mistakes are opportunities to improve. In this way, leaders show that learning from errors is valuable.

They are also great at motivating their team. When motivation is low, they boost employee morale. They inspire employees to perform better and to strive for self-improvement.

Be authentic and open

Avoid giving praise or making promises just to sound good. Charismatic leaders might fall into this trap while trying to inspire others. They might say things that aren’t entirely true just to make someone feel better. This can lead to a lack of trust if employees see that what was said wasn’t honest.

Instead, focus on being honest, sincere, and clear in your communication. When you are truthful and direct, employees will learn to trust what you say. Over time, they will value your feedback and seek your guidance more. You can use charismatic leadership effectively to inspire and motivate your team while maintaining trust.

What are the benefits of charismatic leadership?

The various benefits of charismatic leadership are:

Improves the organizational vision

Charismatic leaders are great at communication. They express their vision in a way that connects with people. Their passion and enthusiasm are contagious. This energy inspires those around them. 

Despite their strong personalities, they are empathetic. They understand their followers’ needs and make an effort to connect personally. Charismatic leaders also shape the organization’s culture. Their values and actions set the tone for how employees interact with each other and with clients.

Betters employee morale and engagement

This type of leadership can boost worker motivation. Charismatic leaders aim to help employees perform better. By showing passion and paying attention to workers, performance improves. You can enrich their dedication and motivation to work. They can also build strong relationships, making inspiring and motivating their teams easier.

Creates positive change

Charismatic leaders want to improve the lives of others. They inspire their supporters to change in ways they might not achieve alone. A key reason for their effectiveness is that they are good listeners. 

They make people feel heard. When employees feel their opinions matter, resistance to change is lower. This helps staff and management work together better, even with differences. In this way, they make it easier for everyone to accept changes for the organization’s growth.

What are the challenges of implementing charismatic leadership?

The challenges of implementing charismatic leadership are:

Too much reliance on a leader’s influence

People may become too dependent on a charismatic leader. If the leader is absent, this dependency becomes a problem, negatively impacting their ability to make decisions. 

When the leader leaves or cannot lead, the organization may struggle to maintain direction and momentum, making it hard to adapt and grow. Building strong leadership structures that don’t rely on just one person is important.

Creation of an abusive or controlling leader

In any organization, there are power dynamics and risks of abuse. Charismatic leaders can increase these risks. A leader with bad intentions might use their influence to manipulate or mistreat workers. Charismatic leaders are very persuasive, which can lead to manipulation. 

Because of the leader’s influence, followers might act against their interests or ethical standards. This shows the need for checks and balances to prevent ethical issues and maintain integrity.

Leads to siloed thinking

A charismatic leader’s strong focus on one goal can make them overlook other issues in the company. This can limit new ideas and critical feedback. Team members might not explore new ideas or raise concerns. Without new viewpoints and honest feedback, decision-making can suffer. This can lead to potential problems for the company.

Use a charismatic leadership approach in times of change and innovation

Charismatic leadership can be a great way to motivate employees to achieve bigger goals. It is important to lead with both responsibility and ethics. When done well, this style can be very effective in a company. It inspires workers to focus on their duties and energizes them. This creates a sense of belonging, helping to keep valuable employees.

Charismatic leadership is ideal for managing change because it can motivate teams toward a greater goal. It connects with their emotions, builds trust, and creates a shared sense of purpose. Unlike other styles, such as laissez-faire or autocratic, charismatic leadership focuses on the leader’s relationship with their team.

However, it should not be the only style a leader uses. Charismatic leaders aim to be great leaders in all ways. Whether you’re a new leader or looking to improve, understanding the power of charisma is key to building a strong legacy.


What skills does a charismatic leader possess?

A charismatic leader’s main skills are communication, listening, empathy, confidence, compassion, humility, self-improvement and creativity. 

What are some examples of charismatic leaders?

Examples of charismatic leaders include Winston Churchill, who stayed positive and inspired teamwork even in tough times. Richard Branson motivates his employees, encourages high goals, and listens for new ideas. Barack Obama used storytelling, confidence, and communication skills to inspire change.

WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.