How Digital Retailers Can Boost Customer Experience and Innovation

WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
Updated May 2, 2023
In the digital era, your ability to fulfill customers’ expectations is critical to providing a compelling customer experience. With the right strategy, you can combine the ideal customer experience and innovation to boost your brand and cultivate customer loyalty. We live in an increasingly connected world, which creates more opportunities to leverage customer engagement for higher business returns. As companies search for novel ways of differentiating their customer experience, they are taking an innovative approach to basic elements of the customer journey. This includes everything from redesigning their FAQ page to improving website navigation.

Make your customer experience stand out. Discover how.

Emerging technology means new methods of providing better CX

Customers invest in companies that self-service and provide value. Technological advancements lend your business greater ability to speak with their consumers directly, and use customer data to offer tailored experiences. New technology can completely change the way you interact with consumers. Whether that’s with video chat or AI assisted web chat, you can become one of the leading customer experience and innovation amalgamators. But how should you go about meshing customer experience and innovation to create advanced customer experience strategies? Read on and you’ll learn some great approaches:


Consumers have a strong desire for self-service, especially in the online realm. Most customers prefer a self-service option to find answers to their questions than to call customer support. Though consumers like to do things themselves, they also need a push in the right direction from time-to-time. First time visitors won’t always understand how to navigate through websites. To address this challenge, digital walk-throughs are becoming more prominent. If you can guide customers through the steps to complete a desired outcome, you will provide a greater level of support and instantly improve the customer experience. In addition to enhancing customer satisfaction, you’ll also increase loyalty and sales.

Innovative web design

customer experience strategy Positive customer experiences are usually built on consistency, where consumers can access the same information wherever they go. This plays a crucial role with branding. To achieve a level of consistency with customer experience and innovation, you should focus on responsive web design. This term refers to creating a web experience that responds to a user’s behavior and environment based on factors like screen size, platform, and orientation. With responsive web design, your user experience includes greater personalization by definition. It also ensures a seamless user journey, even across different devices.

Social Media Integration

Social media platforms are great for gaining exposure, but this is a double-edged sword regarding customer experience and innovation. Good and bad experiences can spread quickly, elevating the importance of delivering good customer experiences across the board. While positive reviews can boost your brand, negative ones can dissuade potential buyers from shopping with you.

Boost customer loyalty and brand awareness with the ultimate customer experience.

Consumers are interacting with companies through social media more than ever before, emphasizing the importance of integrating social media in your marketing strategy. Consumers will turn to your company’s profile to learn information, check out your brand, ask questions, and read other shoppers’ posts. If you’re keen to learn more about customer experience and innovation, check out this great video:
WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.