Creating Enchanting User Experiences: The Digital Adoption Magic Continues…

Neerja Katwala
By Neerja Katwala
Updated September 24, 2024

Let’s kick things off with a little analogy. Remember when you bought or rented your first car or home? You weren’t just looking at the specs or the price tag, right? You were feeling out the vibe, imagining yourself in that space—when it clicks, it just clicks!

Now, let’s talk Harry Potter for a moment. (Shoutout to all the Potterheads! However, I promise this will all be relevant for anyone, whether you’ve read the books, seen the movies, or are new to the Potterverse.) Early in the Harry Potter series, there’s this powerful scene where Harry picks up his wand for the first time. The moment he holds it, everything around him lights up, like the wand is choosing him as much as he’s choosing it. Just like finding the right car or home, it’s not just about the wand itself—it’s about the connection, the feeling of “rightness.”

That’s the kind of magic digital adoption solutions – and you, as a Digital Adoption Professional – can bring to your users. Just like Harry and his wand, the right digital adoption solutions create a magical connection for users, transforming mundane tasks into enchanting experiences. Not only do the experiences you create make everyday interactions more enjoyable, but they also have a significant impact on your organization, driving efficiency, engagement, and overall success.

In this post, we’re diving into what I like to call “Level 2” of my DAP Magical series, where I explore the wonders of WalkMe and DAP.

If you’re thinking, “What’s Level 2?”—don’t worry! You can catch up with my Level 1 blog here. But here’s a quick recap: We explored three powerful spells—Virtualis Illusionis (for creating immersive digital experiences), Automagica Efficiens (for automating and streamlining tasks), and Data Arcanum (for unlocking hidden digital insights).

Now, let’s jump into Level 2 and discover how WalkMe can take these magical experiences to the next level!


Tool 1: Spectreverse

Luna Lovegood, one of the characters in Harry Potter, wears these quirky glasses called Spectrespecs. They allow her to see things others can’t—like when she spots Harry, even though he’s supposed to be invisible. These glasses give her a whole new way of seeing the world, creating a unique and magical experience.

Now, let’s bring that magic into our work life. Whenever there’s a new feature launch, a subscription discount, or even downtime on a website, users are typically greeted with static banners or emails, which are easily (and often!) overlooked!

Enter Spectreverse—the DAP version of those magical Spectrespecs (yes, I made up this term!) where we infuse a bit of creativity with our communication strategy. Instead of boring static emails, imagine using creative, interactive GIFs to engage your users right in the system where you need to share updates.

For example, on our ServiceNow Learning website, we promoted a 50% off deal on Udemy courses. While we did have a standard banner, we also created a ShoutOut featuring a lively 50% off GIF. This ShoutOut, which included a link to subscribe and learn more about the courses, resulted in a 42% increase in subscriptions on the day it was launched. The engaging GIF and the easy access to more information made a significant impact!

We didn’t stop there. On the pages where we list the courses, we added a pop-up step with a rocket launcher GIF to illustrate how visitors can propel their careers by subscribing. This additional step grabbed further attention and encouraged users to click “Subscribe Now” if they missed the initial promotion. It was a fun and effective way to complement our usual emails and ensure the offer reached as many users as possible.

In summary, Spectreverse is all about equipping your users with their own Spectrespecs, letting them experience updates in a fresh, magical way! And for you, as Digital Adoption Professionals, it’s like putting on your own Spectrespecs—enabling you to rethink how you share updates and manage change with a whole new perspective.


Tool 2: Survey of Erised. 

Imagine a magical mirror that shows you your deepest desires. For example, in the Harry Potter series, there’s a mirror called the Mirror of Erised that reveals what someone most wishes to see—like when a character sees their loved ones, reflecting their innermost longings. It’s all about uncovering what’s truly on someone’s mind.

In the same way, understanding what our users think about our systems is essential. Developers are constantly rolling out new features, but how do we know if users actually like them? Sure, we can send out email surveys, but these often go unanswered. What if we put that “mirror” right into the system using in-system surveys?

By collecting quick feedback through surveys embedded in Launchers, we can more readily get real-time insights.

For example, when we introduced a new GenAI feature on our documentation site, we aimed to understand how users were reacting to it. To do this, we embedded a survey Launcher directly within the feature’s interface, using our brand colors to ensure it matched seamlessly with the site’s design.

By placing the survey right where users are engaging with the feature, we’re able to collect their feedback while the experience is still fresh in their minds. This approach helps us gather more immediate and relevant insights and improves the chances of receiving higher-quality feedback compared to more traditional emailed surveys. 

This magical DAP capability enables us to create a “mirror” that reflects exactly what our users want and need, helping us continually improve and adapt our websites to better serve them. 


Tool 3: Time Turner of Analysis

Picture having the power to rewind time and catch a moment you missed—this is something that’s possible and called “Time Turner” in the Harry Potter series. This magical device lets characters turn back the clock to revisit and alter past events. For instance, Harry used this simple tool to go back in time and save lives—just a few turns of a locket, and voilà!

While we can’t literally turn back time, we can analyze user interactions and behaviors, like using a Time Turner on our data.

Developers build these amazing websites, but how do we know if users navigate them correctly? WalkMe’s tracked events and funnels give deep insights into user journeys, showing us where they struggle, and which features they value. 

Imagine you see a lot of traffic on your homepage, but notice that users aren’t interacting with key elements. This could signal that they’re feeling lost or unsure. By analyzing this data, you can make targeted improvements to simplify navigation and highlight the features that truly matter. Armed with real insights into user behavior, you can approach your partner teams with concrete evidence, rather than relying on intuition. This approach not only strengthens your suggestions, it also demonstrates your value as a partner, making it more likely that your ideas will be embraced and implemented.

Mapping the user journey from one page to another is like using a Time Turner to see exactly how users are experiencing the site and where we can make it better.



In essence, think of these tools as your very own magic wands for transforming user experiences. By harnessing the power of Spectreverse, the Survey of Erised, and the Time Turner of Analysis, you can elevate usability, forge deeper connections with your users, and deliver impact for your teams.

To get started:

  • Spectreverse: Identify key moments in the user journey where visual enhancements or added context can make interactions more engaging and intuitive.
  • Survey of Erised: Implement this tool to gather real-time feedback on new features or crucial interactions, ensuring you capture insights while the experience is fresh.
  • Time Turner of Analysis: Analyze historical data and user behavior trends to pinpoint areas for improvement and understand the impact of your changes over time.

Embrace these tools to create user experiences as seamless and magical as waving a wand. The journey to enchanting your users begins with these powerful instruments!


Neerja Katwala
By Neerja Katwala
Meet Neerja, a seasoned digital adoption wizard with over 7 years of experience, currently working as a Digital Adoption Manager at ServiceNow. She has been recognized as a Top 100 DAP Professional, as well as a featured guest speaker at the DAP Pro Show and at WalkMe Realize 2023. With a knack for creating captivating solutions, Neerja has collaborated with more than 40 diverse clients, leaving a trail of awe-inspiring magic across their screens. Harnessing the power of WalkMe’s technology, Neerja has been the go-to expert for unlocking the full potential of digital tools and guiding users through the mystical realms of seamless digital adoption. Beyond DAPPing, she treasures family time, devours books, and explores the world through her travels.