Reflections on GenAI, digital adoption, and the future of work

Ofir Bloch
By Ofir Bloch
Updated July 1, 2024

As VP of Corporate Marketing at WalkMe, I recently had the privilege of hosting a WalkMe Realize session with Dr. Bob Sutor, VP and Practice Lead, Emerging Technologies at the Futurum Group. Our discussion on “GenAI, Digital Adoption, and the Future of Work” was both enlightening and thought-provoking. I’d like to share some key takeaways and reflections from our conversation.

  • The GenAI Revolution

Dr. Sutor provided a comprehensive overview of generative AI, emphasizing that while it’s a significant part of the AI landscape, it’s not the whole picture. His explanation of how GenAI processes vast amounts of data to generate new, contextually relevant content was particularly insightful. It’s clear that we’re at the cusp of a technological revolution that will reshape how we work.

  • The Human Element in AI Adoption

One of the most striking points Dr. Sutor made was about the critical importance of the human factor in AI adoption. As he noted, unlike previous technological disruptions, AI implementation requires careful consideration of its impact on the workforce. This aligns perfectly with our philosophy at WalkMe, where we’ve always emphasized the importance of the human element in digital adoption.

  • Challenges and Opportunities

We discussed several challenges organizations face when adopting GenAI, including the risks of “shadow AI” and concerns about data security. However, the opportunities are equally significant. Dr. Sutor highlighted how GenAI could enhance decision-making and improve efficiency, acting as a senior employee by your side rather than just a basic assistant.

  • The Role of Digital Adoption Platforms

Our conversation reinforced my belief in the crucial role that digital adoption platforms like WalkMe play in the AI-driven workplace. Dr. Sutor’s comments on the importance of contextual understanding and actionable insights align perfectly with our approach at WalkMe, especially with our new WalkMe X offering.

  • The Power of Contextual, Cross-Application AI

One of the most exciting aspects of our discussion was about the future of AI copilots. Dr. Sutor’s perspective on how AI tools might leverage each other in the future resonated with our vision for WalkMe X as a “concierge” that can direct users to the right AI tool at the right moment, based on context and task requirements.

  • Reflections on Responsible AI Use

Dr. Sutor’s advice for organizations hesitant about adopting GenAI was particularly valuable. His emphasis on communication, executive sponsorship, and starting with controlled, on-premise experiments aligns with our approach to helping organizations navigate digital transformation.

Looking Ahead

As Dr. Sutor so eloquently put it, we’re entering one of the most exciting times in tech history. At WalkMe, we’re committed to leading this transformation, ensuring that as AI reshapes the workplace, we’re focusing on augmenting human capabilities rather than replacing them.

Our conversation reinforced my belief that the key to successful AI adoption lies in three main areas:

  1. Ensuring high-quality, validated data
  2. Focusing on contextual, cross-application understanding
  3. Prioritizing the human element in digital adoption strategies

As we move forward into this AI-driven future, I’m more convinced than ever that digital adoption platforms will play a crucial role in helping organizations harness the full potential of GenAI while ensuring a smooth transition for their workforce.

The future of work is here, and it’s powered by AI. But it’s our human touch that will guide its successful implementation. I’m excited to continue this journey with WalkMe, helping organizations navigate this transformative era in technology.

Watch my entire conversation with Dr. Sutor 

Ofir Bloch
By Ofir Bloch
Ofir Bloch leads WalkMe's Strategic Positioning team, focused on enhancing the awareness, image, and position of WalkMe as the key player in the Digital Adoption space. Ofir has a strong background in market research, working with industry analysts and conducting competitive intelligence. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and business administration from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem as well as a Disruptive Innovation Strategy certificate from Harvard Business School.