Proven Ways to Boost Salesforce Productivity

WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
Updated May 2, 2023

As the old adage goes, “Time is money”. It’s pretty safe to say that productivity is important to anyone trying to hit quarterly targets so today, we’re talking about Salesforce users.

Salesforce published a blog post titled “Expert Productivity Tips From Nine Very Busy People.”

This very interesting and informative article gathers productivity tips from some of the best productivity gurus. While the post is definitely worth a read, in the spirit of productivity, I’ll save you the time, and provide a quick synopsis.

Instantly boost Salesforce productivity with WalkMe’s step-by-step guidance.

 Salesforce’s Top Productivity Tips:

  1. Work only when you’re most effective
  2. Plan for downtime
  3. Add a new commitment, get rid of an existing one
  4. Make metrics matter
  5. Stop doing the less important tasks first
  6. Work with physiology first – not against it
  7. Create your own productivity hacks
  8. Learn how to delegate tasks to others
  9. Play your workweeks on Fridays

Nine pretty solid tips. But if we could add one more it would be:

10. Sweat the Small Stuff

If you’re thinking this is counterintuitive, you’re probably not alone. Most productivity advice says to not sweat the small stuff, but it’s time to challenge that notion.

Productivity is about finding ways to make your time work harder in small ways. A minute or two here, a few seconds there, and your day has flown past. Making the most of every second is the only way to increase your productivity.

So if we want to be more productive, sweating the small stuff should be the best way to get there.

But is it? To answer this question, we’d like to share the proof.

How Salesforce Productivity Increases by Sweating the Small Stuff

Salesforce Productivity

In a previous blog post, we discussed how WalkMe’s SuperTools have already saved companies $104,000 in just the first few months of 2017.

WalkMe’s SuperTools for Salesforce are seconds-savers. They shave off time spent in tedious, yet essential tasks.

Let’s take a look at some quick numbers.

The average lead or account edit takes 12 seconds. Doesn’t seem like that much.

The SuperEdit functionality in SuperTools, gives Salesforce users inline report editing. By eliminating the seconds it takes to edit account information without inline editing, each edit takes just 3 seconds. We timed it.

That’s a 75% savings in time. It’s small, but it adds up.

The same goes for SuperSearch. Unfortunately, without SuperTools you have to complete the search and go through the search results to find your account or lead. Using the autocomplete functionality you again save valuable seconds.

Seconds become minutes, minutes become hours, and hours become days. Everything adds up.

So sweat the small stuff. Make your workday a lot more productive. One of the ways we suggest doing it is by using SuperTools by WalkMe for Salesforce.

Try WalkMe today for free to easily get the most out of Salesforce.

WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.