Mobile web browsing means accessing the web using a mobile browser app (e.g. Safari, Chrome and more) on smartphones and tablets.
With WalkMe, your end-users receive guidance on all major mobile browsers and on all major mobile operating systems, including Android, iOS and Windows Mobile.
WalkMe automatically adapts to mobile browsing mode so that end-users receive only the guidance and calls-to-action that are relevant to them.
This is achieved using WalkMe’s contextualization engine, which allows you to decide when and where to deploy guidance and calls-to-action.
Mobile Web Display Options
In the WalkMe editor, we have added a mobile emulator (see image below) that lets you create specific Walk-Thrus and calls-to-action for end-users who use a specific device.
This lets you enhance the user experience for your mobile users, while promoting services that are most useful when these users are on-the-go.
In addition, WalkMe allows you to set conditions for when WalkMe will be launched on a mobile device: Based on a time, need, or user profile.
Multi-Language Mobile Support
Provide help and guidance to non-English speakers, without the need to translate your Walk-Thrus, ShoutOuts and other WalkMe apps.
By localizing to foreign markets, you can increase global market penetration and adoption.
Analytics for Optimizing Mobile Experience
WalkMe Analytics is a powerful tool for making sense of how your end-users are experiencing Walk-Thrus and other WalkMe apps.
Analytics data shows how users derive value from WalkMe, as it can track KPIs like goal completion, user search queries, survey results and NPS.
Architecture and Security
WalkMe accurately adapts to any screen size and resolution. This is accomplished without any changes or integration to the underlying software.
WalkMe runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS), which enables WalkMe to provide customers with high scalability, availability and reliability.
WalkMe’s application and network are tested for security vulnerabilities by independent security experts as a part of the secure development lifecycle. These tests include an array of penetration scenarios, independent of those tested by AWS.
In addition, WalkMe’s security team ensures that all aspects of security adhere to the highest standards like U.S.-EU TRUSTe and U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor certifications.
Want to know more about WalkMe? You can try it here for free.