WalkMe Supports a Hackathon Dedicated to Leveraging Technology for Good

WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
Updated July 26, 2022
More than 100 of the youngest and brightest software developers in Tel-Aviv came together for 24 hours last month to volunteer their time and energy to develop apps – not for profit, but for the greater good. We at WalkMe, feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to help Tal Bronfer and the Geekim Group make this great initiative possible.  At the end of the 24-hour coding marathon, participants presented their projects and were given feedback by some of Tel-Aviv’s leading entrepreneurs and investors. Here are three of the apps that leverage technology to make the world better: Feedme – Food Rescue App Feedme is a food rescue app that connects restaurants with leftover food at the end of the day that would otherwise be thrown out, with needy people who can’t afford a meal. The people in need end up paying only 30% of the total cost, and the restaurants avoid food waste. This winning arrangement benefits both the restaurants and those in need. The app is map-based and shows all of the participating restaurants in the user’s area. The app was created using node.js, angular.js, and android. Feedme uses online guidance technology by WalkMe, to help users who are not tech-savvy navigate their way through the app.   Elad, a Feedme team member stated, “We created a map search in the angular interface, which includes various icons and thus needed a basic tutorial for first-time users, to help them navigate (literally) their way through the app efficiently. We used WalkMe which really helped us guide the user through the search and the rest of the app’s functions. It was very easy and straightforward to implement WalkMe and took 15 minutes tops.”  Interplay- A Marketplace Platform for Bartering Services Interplay is a platform that allows people to exchange services, rather than money. For example, if you provide a service by building me a website, in return, I will walk your dog for a month. Each person that signs up creates a list of their skills. The system, which has a smart mechanism built in, will then identify and suggest various services you may need in return. In order to build this, they used sails.js, angular.js.  To simplify usage they used WalkMe. Pineapple – Affordable Taxi Rides for Everyone Pineapple was created in order to lower taxi fares for users. Think of it as taxi carpooling. It works by finding people in your area that need a ride to the same destination area, and connects them in order to share the ride and thus the cost. Its interface is based off of Google Maps and was written in angular. Who knows, maybe even love can be found on this app! As you can see, making a glamorous high-tech exit was not the end game of this hackathon. Instead, the goal was to create technological products meant to ease some of the difficulties of day-to-day life. A big shout out goes to all the participants, the Geekim Group, Lool Ventures and other sponsors who helped make this happen. We hope to see more of these “Hackathons For Good” and perhaps some of the amazing ideas will develop into full-blown technologies which will help make our world better and brighter.
WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.