Your organization has invested a lot of time in market research looking for software that will streamline the work of the organization while saving time and money.
You invested a lot of money in software in the hopes that it would be used to boost productivity and efficiency. However, you may not have considered the following barrier that will limit the use of the product in the organization — software implementation. The following steps detail how the new product adoption process can ensure positive ROI for enterprise software purchases.
#1 Raise awareness of Product’s Existence
Not all software is a part of a daily workflow. Many platforms are used periodically on a weekly or monthly basis, while some products serve as additional assets to an organization, such as analysis platform, tracking software and more.
You don’t always know who your users are, but to make sure the product is benefiting workflow, you should make sure everyone aware of its existence.
To kick off the new product adoption process, find the right awareness method that fits your organization such as company announcements, email notification or even posters near the coffee machine. How you go about it is your choice — just make sure employees are aware of the tools available to them.
#2 Generate Interest in the Product
“Ever wondered how you can save time and go home early?”. This might not be the message you choose to tell your employees, but the point is to explain how they can benefit from using the product, leaving your organizational benefits aside for now.
To start, communicate to employees the importance of the new product adoption process and how it will make their job easier.
#3 Accelerate the Product Adoption Process
WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) ensures that the new product adoption process is easy and user-friendly for every user or employee. Using this adoption tool, users can complete their tasks and goals without any prior training.
Try WalkMe and streamline the software implementation in your organization.