How was the DAPP100 decided?
Open Nominations
Any DAP Professional could be nominated by colleagues, peers, friends, or even themselves (DAP vendors were excluded).
Nearly 18,000 votes were cast
Crowdsourced voting took place over a two week period. Voters could cast their votes for more than one nominee.
Global Reach
With winners from countries such as Jamaica, Finland, Mexico, Belgium, the Philippines, India, Australia, United States and Japan, DAP Professionals from all over the world participated in this cross-industry roundup.
Want to develop your DAP Professional skills and learn from the top DAP Pros in the world?
Join us at Elevate on October 25-27, the event for DAP Professionals to learn more about digital adoption strategy, best practices, and tactics driving results at companies around the world. This is your chance to meet many of the top DAP Professionals to network, knowledge share, and advance your skills as a DAP Professional.