What is learning technology?

Learning technology in the workplace means using digital tools to help employees learn new skills and improve their work.

These tools can include online training programs, interactive courses, and educational apps. They allow employees to learn at their own pace and access training materials whenever needed.

With learning technology, companies can offer training that fits each employee’s needs and track their progress. Employees can quickly learn new skills, get feedback, and apply what they’ve learned to their jobs. As technology advances, how we learn at work will change, making training more flexible and effective.

The eLearning market is set to grow at a 14% CAGR between 2023 and 2032. Companies recognize its value—61% of Learning and Development experts surveyed said closing the skills gap was the top priority for corporate eLearning.

What are the key components of learning technology?

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Knowing the key parts of learning technology helps us understand how it improves work training. These features work together to make learning interesting, effective, and accessible.

They help employees learn new skills, work with others, and get support that fits their needs.

Let’s examine the main parts that make learning technology work well in the workplace.

Content delivery platforms

Websites or apps that give access to training materials and courses.

Interactive tools

Features like quizzes and practice exercises that make training interesting and help check what’s been learned.

Communication channels

Tools like video calls and chat rooms that let employees talk to trainers and work together.

Data analytics

Tools that track how well employees are learning and show where they might need extra help.

Accessibility features

These ensure everyone, including people with disabilities, can use the training tools easily.

Personalization capabilities

This adjusts training to fit each employee’s needs and learning style, making it more effective for their job.

Learning technology vs training

Learning technology and traditional training help people learn new skills, but they do it differently.

  • Learning technology uses digital tools like websites and apps to make learning interactive and flexible.
  • Traditional training usually involves in-person methods like workshops and hands-on practice.

Let’s look at how these two methods are different:

Learning technology Training
Definition Uses digital tools like websites and apps to help people learn new things. These tools make learning fun and easy to access. A way to teach people new skills or knowledge, often through things like workshops, seminars, and hands-on practice.
Focus Using digital tools to make learning interactive and flexible. It aims to suit different learning styles and needs. Teaching specific skills or knowledge, often using traditional methods like direct instruction and practice.
Techniques Online courses, interactive games, quizzes, and virtual classrooms. These methods engage learners and provide instant feedback. In-person workshops, manuals, and practical exercises. These methods are often face-to-face and hands-on.
Goals To make learning flexible and engaging with digital tools. It aims to offer resources anytime and anywhere to fit various learning styles. To give people the skills and knowledge they need for their jobs. It focuses on improving performance and applying what has been learned.
Examples of use Taking an online course to learn new software, joining a virtual workshop, or using a mobile app for skill practice. Attending a workshop on new skills, participating in a hands-on session for new equipment, or taking in-person classes on specific topics.

Use cases for learning technology

Learning technology is useful in many business situations. It helps train new workers, manage performance, and start new hires.

To see how it works in different cases, here are three simple examples:

  1. Employee training

Employee training is very important for a company’s success. The company uses an online platform where workers can take courses and practice their skills whenever they have time. This makes it easy for them to learn at their own pace, fitting their training around their daily tasks.

The platform also keeps track of how each worker is doing. It gives feedback to help them understand what they are good at and what they need to work on. This allows them to get better and feel more confident in their skills.

This way of training is flexible and fits the needs of each worker, helping them learn the skills they need to do their job well.

  1. Performance management

Performance management is important for making sure employees do their best work. The business uses a digital tool to help with this. The tool collects information on how well employees are doing through regular check-ins.

The tool also creates reports that help managers understand each employee’s progress. These reports make it easier for managers to give helpful feedback and set clear goals for their team.

Using this tool makes it easier to track and manage employee performance. It helps employees improve and do their jobs, which is good for everyone.

  1. Onboarding new hires

Onboarding new hires is important to help them start their new jobs. The company uses a virtual program with videos and quizzes to teach new employees about the company. These videos and quizzes show them what the company is about and what they need to know to do their job well.

New hires can go through the program at their own speed. This means they can take their time to understand everything without feeling rushed. The program also gives them easy access to resources to find the information they need whenever they want.

Using this virtual program makes starting a new job easier for everyone. It ensures that all new employees learn the same things, making the onboarding process more consistent and less stressful. This helps new hires feel comfortable and ready to do their jobs well.

Learning technology Advantages and Challenges

What are the advantages of learning technology?

Using learning technology brings many benefits for businesses. Digital tools and platforms make training more flexible and interesting, helping employees learn better. These benefits also save time and money. Let’s look at the different ways learning technology allows businesses.


People can learn anytime and anywhere, fitting it into their busy lives. They can study during work breaks while traveling or at home, helping them balance learning with other responsibilities.


Fun tools like quizzes and games make learning more exciting and help people remember things better. These interactive elements keep learners interested and make studying more enjoyable.


Technology adjusts to each person’s learning style and needs, making it more personal. This means everyone gets content that fits their own way of learning, helping them understand and remember information more easily.

Immediate feedback

Digital tools quickly show how well someone is doing, helping them know what to improve. This instant feedback lets learners fix mistakes and adjust their studying right away, enhancing their learning.


Online tools are often cheaper than traditional training, saving time and money. They reduce the need for physical materials and can be used by many people at once, making training more affordable.


Many people can use learning technology simultaneously, which is great for big companies. This means that training can be delivered to a large number of employees efficiently and easily.


It provides everyone with the same training, so everyone learns the same things. This ensures that all employees have the same knowledge and skills, leading to a unified approach in the company.

Tracking and analytics

The technology tracks how well people learn, helping to see if the training works. It shows detailed reports on progress and areas where learners need more help, making it easier to improve training.


It ensures everyone, including those with disabilities, can use the training materials. Features like adjustable text sizes and screen readers ensure everyone can participate fully.

Self-paced learning

Learners can go at their own speed, spending more time on difficult parts and speeding through easier ones. This helps them focus on what they need to learn and move faster through what they already understand.

What are the challenges of learning technology?

While digital tools can make training easier and more fun, they also have problems. Knowing these issues is important to using learning technology successfully. Let’s explore the main challenges.

Technical issues

Problems with computers or software can stop people from accessing learning materials. If the technology isn’t working right, it can delay learning and cause frustration. Regular updates and quick technology support can help prevent these problems.

User training

Employees might need extra help learning how to use new technology. Extra training and support materials can help them get used to the new tools. Helping users feel comfortable with the technology makes it easier for them to use it effectively.

Security concerns

Keeping data and personal information safe can be a worry with digital tools. There is always a risk of someone stealing or misusing information. Strong security measures and regularly checking for problems can help keep data safe.


Some people might find it hard to stay interested in online learning. Without face-to-face interaction, it can be tough to stay motivated. Adding interactive elements and varied content can help keep learners interested and engaged.


Setting up and maintaining learning technology can be expensive. Buying software and hardware and keeping everything running can be expensive. Finding budget-friendly options and planning carefully can help manage these costs.


Not all technology works well for people with disabilities, which can make it difficult for them to use. Features like screen readers and adjustable text sizes are important for ensuring everyone can use the technology. Ensuring technology meets accessibility needs helps everyone participate.

How can DAPs help with learning technology?

How can DAPs help with learning technology_ (1)

Digital adoption platforms (DAPs) help with using learning technology. They make it easier for businesses to start and use new learning tools. DAPs offer features that guide users and help them get the most from their technology. Let’s see how DAPs can make learning technology more helpful for businesses.

Easy onboarding

DAPs guide users step-by-step through the process of using new tools. This makes it simple for users to get started without feeling lost, and clear instructions help them learn how to use the tools quickly.

Interactive help

DAPs provide in-app tips and tutorials on how to use different features. These tips help users understand how to use the tools by showing them what to do. This hands-on help makes learning easier and more effective.

Real-time support

DAPs offer help right when users need it, solving problems quickly. If a user has a question or runs into trouble, they can get immediate assistance. This fast support keeps things running smoothly and helps users stay on track.

Tracking progress

DAPs track how users are using the tools and spot where more help might be needed. They watch how users interact with the tools and see where they might struggle. This way, extra help can be provided where it’s most needed.


DAPs can be adjusted to fit a company’s needs, making learning more effective. They can be set up to match the company’s tools and processes. This customization ensures that the training is relevant and helpful for users.

Updated: September 22, 2024

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