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& Salesforce

Create more personalized experiences for your customers by incorporating Salesforce data into WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform.

Tracked Events & Funnels Image

Incoming integration

Import data from Salesforce to WalkMe and use it to create more personalized and segmented WalkMe experiences.

Use cases

  • Personalize end-user experience based on user attributes from Salesforce.
  • Analyze data from Salesforce in WalkMe Insights for a more in-depth understanding of customer behavior. 

Outgoing integration

Export data from WalkMe Insights to Salesforce objects to enhance understanding of end-user behavior. 

Use cases

  • Keep track of user onboarding, by seeing valuable onboarding insights directly in your CRM.
  • Prevent churn by triggering alerts pointing out likely-to-churn end-users.