What Is Technology Adoption?
Technology adoption is a process of implementing new technology or software. The process starts by purchasing software suitable for the organization’s needs. Follow purchase, it is necessary to provide employees with effective training. If the onboarding process is executed successfully, technology adoption will increase productivity and save valuable resources and time.
Before investing money, you must justify the purchase of the product and prove return on investment (ROI). However, the intention of an organization to invest money in purchasing a new technology is not the last step. Although the purpose of the software is to streamline employee productivity and simplify the work process, these results are entirely dependent on what the organization does next. In order for a new technology to be used to its full potential, it must first be adopted. So, what is the adoption process?
Technology Adoption Process
In order to get the technology adoption process right, you should be aware that there are long and short user adoption strategies. Employee training is a huge industry, encompassing many different methods, but there is one adoption method that will significantly benefit your organization. Forget classrooms sessions, one-on-one training, papers, manuals and learning kits — the greatest solution for your organization’s technology adoption is a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP).

WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform (DAP)
WalkMe simplifies the user experience and navigation with a guidance layer that is added on top of any existing website, software or online platform. This layer allows users to adopt technology quickly with on-screen Walk-Thrus — dynamic step-by-step instructions that streamline the technology adoption process. A DAP also serves to provide on-demand, contextual support for users who need assistance post-training. Try WalkMe’s FREE Paln today!